Acció Familiar Barcelona was born in 1978 with the aim of promoting the value and help to families through active activity, trying to develop the knowledge of the needs of families through volunteering.
Personal attention in our Family Guidance Centres.
Training for the improvement of education, transmission of values, skills and personality development, with our programmes and monitors.
Prevention programmes and creative and healthy alternatives.
The mission of Acció Familiar Barcelona is to respond to the needs and demands of the Family, being a spokesperson for their demands before public and private administrations.
To help cement the belief in the fundamental role of the family in personal and social well-being.
To promote knowledge of the social and economic factors that influence families' decisions and behaviour, and that affect their quality of life and, therefore, that of society.
To analyse and evaluate the impact of public policies in all their dimensions (education, social security, housing, taxation, etc.) on families and to offer alternatives to existing ones.
Collaborate with all those who work in favour of the family.